Monday, February 21, 2011

my two fav mac eyeshadows (LUSTRE) of all time..

RETROSPECK: A lovely pale beige golden color. Although it is shimmery I like it all over the lid for a neutral daytime look
GLEAM: This color has a tint of gold to it when you apply it on your lid. Just like retrospeck.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines day!

I hope you all have a great one with your loved ones! :) Sucks that i'm at school on this day... erg. But i'll see my lover later on :)

Friday, February 11, 2011


I haven't blogged in a while! Been so busy with school. I have two projects due next week. I started on one, the other, i didn't. I'm actually at school right now! Ha nothing to do. Just sippin on my starbucks :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I NEED A GET AWAY! I want to go somewhere far where I can just be by myself & be so happy for a day.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Meet my bestfriend


So today, i totally forgot that it was our six months together. I was laying in bed this morning, out of no where, he asked me what's the date today.. I said "Uhm, it's the 3rd, why?" & then he said.. "nothing." A few hrs later, still laying. I actually woke up from a nap and he asked me again. I was thinking to myself, "why is he asking me!!" -- I was quiet. Then he goes, "IT'S OUR SIX MONTH STUPID!" In my head I was like, "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!" Haha. But it's weird.. I usually remember our anniversary dates. But not this time! Ah =/ 

I love you, with all my heart hunny!! We're half way to one year. It's ok, we got forever left ahead of us. Like you say, "until forever is over." I really hope you mean it. You're the best that I ever have. I love you so much. Words can't explain how much I do! You're the only person who knows me the best. Thank you babe! 

You shouldn't correct others relationship when yours was corrupted.